The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is the only Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of People Living with HIV/AIDS. Under the HOPWA Program, HUD makes grants to local communities, States, and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
The program goals are to maintain stable housing, reduce the risk of homelessness, and increase access to care. Services are provided countywide. HOPWA partners with non-profit agencies and public housing authorities in Los Angeles County to provide direct housing and supportive services.
Minimum client eligibility requirements are listed below.
1. Low-income
2. HIV/AIDS Diagnosis form
3. Must reside in LA County
The following program services are provided by non-profit agencies and public housing authorities.
Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility (STRMU) program
Provides eligible clients with short term financial assistance to maintain their permanent housing due to a financial crisis, medical condition or loss of income.
Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) grant
Provides move-in grants for security deposit, first month’s rent and utility turn-on, and other related moving costs. Available once every 3 years; must be moving into permanent housing.
Crisis Housing: Emergency and Transitional
Housing for clients who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Provides up to 12 months of rental assistance for very-low income and homeless households with HIV/AIDS.
Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
Provides rental assistance directly to units in affordable housing developments. The subsidy is attached to the unit which must be occupied by a low-income tenant with HIV/AIDS.
Scattered-Site Master Leasing
Rental units are master leased by 2 HOPWA contractors from property owners and subleased to eligible HOPWA clients as permanent housing.
Supportive Services
Supportive Services are equally important in helping clients and their families maintain their housing or locate and acquire housing.
Housing Specialists who help clients locate and/or maintain appropriate and affordable housing.
Residential Service Coordinators who provide supportive services assistance to clients who live in affordable housing developments that house persons with HIV/AIDS.
Legal services and training in housing laws.
Animal support and advocacy for clients who need assistance in caring for their companion and support animals.
Housing Information and Referral
Available housing and supportive service referrals are listed on a user-friendly website at www.chirpla.org or by calling 1-877-7-CHIRPLA. The website lists emergency, transitional housing, affordable and market rate housing and other housing resources. The site can be searched by area, zip code, and type of housing.
Through the Regional Centers and satellite agencies you can access case management assistance; Section 8 and affordable housing listings; financial rental assistance programs; housing information; legal services; support animal advocacy and information; and many other supportive services that can eliminate barriers for People Living with HIV/AIDS from finding and maintaining permanent housing.
In order to access HOPWA programs, you must first register with a Housing Specialist at your Regional Center. The Housing Specialist can assist you with locating, financing, and maintaining affordable and appropriate housing. Contact your Regional Center to make an appointment with a Housing Specialist.

Please plan to bring the following documents with you.
• HIV/AIDS Diagnosis form or current lab results
• Proof of Income (GR/SSI print out, 3 months of pay stubs, bank statements)
• Proof of address (government document or current utility bill)

A Service Planning Area, or SPA, is a specific geographic region within Los Angeles County. Due to the large size of LA County (4,300 square miles), it has been divided into 8 geographic areas. These distinct regions allow the Department of Public Health to develop and provide more relevant public health and clinical services targeted to the specific health needs of the residents in these different areas.
Click here for a list of SPAs and cities within each area.