
Feb 14

County voters to decide on quarter-cent sales tax for homelessness programs

When Los Angeles voters overwhelmingly approved a bond measure in November to build apartments for the chronically homeless, long-frustrated advocates hailed the victory as a watershed in their efforts to provide permanent homes for thousands of people living on the city’s sidewalks and parkland. But despite enthusiasm that couldn’t always be contained, proponents of Proposition HHH were mostly careful not to call it the ticket to ending homelessness. ...
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Jan 27

L.A. tallies its homeless population amid concern about rising encampments

The annual Los Angeles homeless count ended early Friday amid disappointment that the street encampments rankling residents across the city are still on the rise. The three-day event, which marshaled 7,700 volunteers for a street-by-street hand count of homeless people and encampments, was held to update Los Angeles County’s homeless count, which stood at 47,000 in 2016. Populations in shelters, ...
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Jan 24

Homeless people face L.A. crackdown on living in cars

Los Angeles’ new ordinance on living in cars was billed as a boon to homeless people, making it legal for the first time to park and sleep in half the city’s streets. But with the measure set to kick in Feb. 6, a new map suggests the law could trigger a crackdown on some of the city’s 28,000 homeless people. The map, which police will use ...
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Jan 20

Downtown L.A. businesses try outreach to find permanent housing for the homeless

He sat on a pillow atop a plastic bucket, crocheting. A man and woman approached. They were agents of the Downtown Center Business Improvement District. He would be their first contact in Pershing Square, which by midmorning was already filling with homeless people, or those who appeared to be. The man’s face brightened. “Tomorrow’s my birthday,” he announced. “I’ll be 57.” After exchanging small talk, ...
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Jan 17

Can California End AIDS Without the Affordable Care Act?

California and many other states are making real progress toward ending the AIDS epidemic. But if President-elect Trump and Republicans in Congress repeal the Affordable Care Act, California could be forced to scale back expansion of its Medi-Cal program and shut down the state’s health care exchange, making the goal of an AIDS-free generation harder if not impossible to reach.  Nationwide, ...
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Jan 5

More than 1,200 homeless veterans living on Los Angeles streets still need housing

More than 1,200 veterans are living on Los Angeles streets, thwarting Mayor Eric Garcetti’s repeated pledges to end the city’s soaring rates of veteran homelessness, officials said Thursday. Faced with the highest number of homeless veterans of any city in the nation, Garcetti had promised to find housing for every homeless resident who served in the military, first by the end of 2015 and then by ...
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Dec 29

Gates Foundation Invests Up to $140 Million in Intarcia for HIV

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will invest as much as $140 million in closely held Intarcia Therapeutics Inc. to develop a device that could help prevent HIV infections. The Gates Foundation will provide $50 million upfront for Intarcia to develop an anti-HIV therapy that uses its implanted device. The foundation may give up to $90 million more in grants depending ...
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Dec 21

LA County Receives Nearly $105 Million in HUD Funds to Prevent and End Homelessness

Los Angeles, CA (December 21, 2016) –  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development this week awarded the Los Angeles City and County Continuum of Care (CoC) nearly $105 million in renewed and new grants to prevent and end homelessness. The figure represents the largest single award the LA CoC has ever received from HUD. The funds are part of ...
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Dec 18

How L.A. is housing thousands of homeless long before Proposition HHH units get built

New homeless housing to be built using the $1.2-billion bond Los Angeles city voters approved in November may be three to five years in the future. In the meantime, a program created by Mitchell H. Katz, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, is striving to get thousands of the most debilitated homeless people off the streets sooner. Using county and private foundation funds, Housing ...
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Dec 6

Quarter-cent sales tax measure to aid L.A. County homeless is placed on March ballot

After listening to a cavalcade of speakers praise them for a vote they hadn’t yet taken, Los Angeles County supervisors on Tuesday unanimously placed a quarter-cent sales tax proposal on the March ballot to fund homeless programs. The five supervisors voted with little comment on the measure, which is expected to raise about $355 million a year over its 10-year lifespan  if it ...
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