
Aug 25

Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness Releases Report and Recommendations

Los Angeles, CA (August 25, 2017) - The final report and recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness was approved today by the LAHSA Commission. Created by the LAHSA Commission last fall, the committee was formed to address the growing numbers of women experiencing homelessness across Los Angeles County. The report consists of key findings as well as ...
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Aug 16

How Federal Funds for HIV Housing Are Now Getting Divided

Congress has revamped a federal program that provides housing assistance for people living with HIV so that areas with the highest rates of the virus will receive more money. According to Kaiser Health News, this means that larger cities like New York and Atlanta will lose a percentage of funding, while, for example, areas in the South—considered the epicenter of today’s ...
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Aug 4

HACLA Makes Plan to Open Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List, Board Approves Contract

The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) recently announced the agency’s Board of Commissioners approved a contract to establish a new Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) waiting list in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and the Housing Authority’s Section 8 Administrative Plan. The Board ...
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Jul 17

Gov. Jerry Brown, California legislative leaders commit to push an affordable housing plan next month

With time running out before lawmakers break for summer recess, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders announced Monday that they were postponing a vote on a package of bills to address the state’s housing affordability crisis until August. “The package of legislation we are all working on will help ensure Californians won’t have to pay an arm and a leg to ...
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Jul 13

$5-million program finds housing for only 268 veterans, report says

$5-million program to assist homeless veterans has helped only 268 get off the streets over 18 months, according to a recent Los Angeles County civil grand jury report — in part because a $1.2-million contract to provide interim shelter has been delayed for nearly a year. Homes for Heroes, a county program funded by the federal government, provides interim shelter to ...
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Jun 30

Homeless cleanups in L.A. have surged, costing millions. What has been gained?

Los Angeles public works crews have cleaned 16,500 homeless encampments since 2015, removing more than 3,000 tons of trash. But the $14-million citywide cleanup effort — increasing dramatically since it was launched — has made only a marginal difference in the number of encampments across the city’s sidewalks, alleys and riverbanks, a Los Angeles Times review found. Inspectors for the city’s CleanStat ...
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Jun 28

L.A. City Council takes first step to make evictions harder

If a landlord wants to evict a tenant, the process can be simple. In many cases in Los Angeles, and across California, property owners only have to state they are ending the lease. No justification is needed — only notices of at least 30 days to provide some time to move out. Now, amid an affordable housing shortage and reports that low-income ...
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Jun 13

Los Angeles County supervisors endorse a spending plan for Measure H homelessness tax

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a spending plan Tuesday for millions of dollars from a special sales tax to fight homelessness. On a unanimous vote, the supervisors accepted virtually all of the recommendations of a 50-member planning committee on how to divide nearly $259 million projected in the first year of Measure H, a quarter-cent sales tax ...
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Jun 3

It's insanely difficult to build housing in L.A. No wonder we have a homelessness problem.

To the editor: When lots of people want to live here and there aren’t enough homes, there is a shortage. And in a market economy, the way that shortage manifests itself is through price increases as people compete for housing. The prices go up for everyone, and the people at the bottom of the economic ladder find themselves pushed onto ...
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May 31

Knowingly exposing others to HIV should no longer be a felony, state Senate says

 The state Senate on Wednesday voted to no longer make it a felony for someone infected with HIV to knowingly expose others to the disease by having unprotected sex without telling his or her partner about the infection. The crime would be downgraded to a misdemeanor, and the bill would also apply to people who donate blood or semen without telling the blood or semen ...
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