
Jul 5


  HUD AWARDS $24 MILLION TO RENEW SUPPORT TO 25 LOCAL HIV-AIDS HOUSING PROGRAMS Funding offers stable housing for individuals and families at risk for homelessness WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $24 million in grants to assist more than 1,200 low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families annually. These grants provide a combination of ...
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Jun 30

'An end to all the excuses,' says L.A.'s chief bureaucrat in push for $1.8-billion homelessness plan

While guiding Los Angeles on its painful budget recovery, City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana often had to be the naysayer.He told the city no to hiring, he told the unions no to raises and he told the voters no to fixing sidewalks and streets without new taxes.But when it comes to the city’s homeless crisis, Santana has a vision he believes ...
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Jun 21

L.A. City Council may seek bigger bond to house the homeless

Los Angeles City Council members are considering a significant boost to the size of a bond measure they say could help move tens of thousands of homeless Angelenos off the streets.The City Council voted Tuesday to advance a proposal by Councilman Mike Bonin to pursue a $1.5-billion housing bond – $400,000 more than the amount discussed by a council committee last week. ...
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Jun 14

Feds give $9.2M to help domestic violence victims with HIV/AIDS

The Obama administration is giving $9.2 million to programs across the country that provide stable housing for victims of domestic violence living with HIV or AIDS. The grant money — going to eight programs in California, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Oregon and Washington, D.C. — will come from the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women and the Department of ...
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Jun 5

President Obama: "AIDS-Free Generation Is Within Reach"

Stigma and silence fuel ignorance, and they contribute to the transmission of HIV/AIDS said the president. Testing, treatment, education and acceptance save lives, along with fighting "the discrimination that halted progress for too long."  The president referred to the millions of lives saved thanks to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. "My administration implemented ...
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May 17

LA County moves toward possible millionaire’s tax to fight homelessness

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to pursue a potential ballot measure that wouldtax top-income earners to combat rising homelessness. Supervisors also agreed to conduct an internal audit of how the county spends money on homelessness. In a 3-2 vote, the board directed its top executive and the county’s legislative advocates in Sacramento to pursue a change in ...
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May 10


WASHINGTON – For the first time ever, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today allocated nearly $174 million through the nation’s Housing Trust Fund (see list of state allocations below). The Housing Trust Fund is a new affordable housing production program that will complement existing Federal, state and local efforts to increase and preserve the supply of ...
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May 9

Eliminating HIV is possible; UCLA, Danish researchers explain how

Worldwide, about 35 million people are living with HIV. The World Health Organization and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS plan to use an approach called "treatment as prevention" to eliminate the global pandemic, which the WHO says will have occurred when only one person out of 1,000 becomes infected each year. Now, a nearly two-decade analysis by researchers from ...
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May 6

Building long-term housing is great, but what about helping the homeless now?

To the editor: Well-intentioned city and county officials have proposed various long-term solutions to the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles County. But we also need interim solutions, because building housing and obtaining funding for these proposals will take years. In the meantime, our homeless population continues to grow. Why not allow homeless veterans to camp on the Department of Veterans Affairs campus ...
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May 4

L.A. Sees Another Sharp Rise In Homelessness and Outdoor Tents

Homelessness increased in the last year in the city and county of Los Angeles, leaving nearly 47,000 people in the streets and shelters despite an intensive federal push that slashed the ranks of homeless veterans by nearly a third, according to figures released Wednesday by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. Nearly two-thirds of the homeless people tallied countywide, or 28,000, were ...
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