Durable Medical Equipment Program




Durable Medical Equipment Program

The City of Los Angeles, Department on Disability provides assistance to residents in need of

durable medical equipment for in-home use at no charge. 


They are prioritizing people experiencing homeless and those with limited income. Delivery service is available.

To apply, please contact the Department on Disability at 

DOD-DME@lacity.org or visit https://bit.ly/3spbgdg or scan QR code on flyer.




Types of Durable Medical Equipment:


  • Canes
  • Crutches
  • Grab Bars
  • Manual Wheelchairs
  • Rollators
  • Shower Chairs
  • Shower Heads
  • Walkers

Friday, May 13, 2022 - 8:00am to Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 5:00pm