Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

The AIDS Housing Opportunity Act of 1992 authorizes the use of Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funds for short-term rent, mortgage and utility payments (STRMU) to prevent homelessness and promote permanent, safe and affordable independent housing.


Short Term Assistance Program (STAP):

The HOPWA Short Term Assistance Program (STAP) offers two types of financial assistance – Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, Utilities (STRMU) assistance, and Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) assistance.


STRMU:  Short-Term Rent, Mortgage and Utility (STRMU) assistance helps those who are at risk of homeless because of non-payment of rent, mortgage or the termination of utilities due to unexpected expenses related to their HIV/AIDS. It is a needs based program that provides up to 21 weeks of assistance in a 52-week period. It helps pay for rent, mortgage and utilities (gas, electric, water and sewer) costs. 


PHP:  Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) assistance helps individuals move into safe, decent and affordable that is appropriate for the individual’s needs. It helps pay move-in costs such as one-time utility switch-on fees, first month’s rent and security deposit.



Please contact a Housing Specialist at a participating agency for eligibility criteria and assistance with accessing this program.



Click Here for an Housing Specialist list 





FOR PROVIDERS ( Both form will need to be completed and submit) 

Download HOPWA Intake 

Application Checklist 

Download PHP/STRMU application