Ms Hazel's House

4104 Kenway Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90008

Phone Number: 
(323) 815-1475
Agency Description: 

Ms Hazel's House is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person.  It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes, 501 C 3 

The specific purposes of this Corporation are to assist in the:

1. Relief for the poor, distressed and underprivileged individuals in a safe home environment.

2. Assist the homeless in regaining permanent housing by providing: Transitional living, mental health referrals, substance abuse referrals, clothing, food and other supportive services for individuals that have been displaced from housing due to:  Incarceration, substance use, mental health issues, domestic violence, loss of income, return from U.S. Armed Forces (Veterans) or other circumstances that may leave an individual in need of temporary, short or long term housing and/or other transitional services.

Services Offered View Listings

Transitional Housing

People Served
Genders Served: 
Men, Women, Transgender
SPA Locations: 
South Los Angeles - SPA 6
Special Populations Served: 
Chronically Homeless, Families, Formerly Incarcerated, Mental Health, People Living with HIV/AIDS, Physically Challenged, Seniors, Substance Misuse, Veterans
Listing Type Address SPA Locations
Transitional Housing
1711-1713 West 60th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90047
United States
South Los Angeles - SPA 6
Transitional Housing
1711 - 1713 West 60th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90047
United States
South Los Angeles - SPA 6
Transitional Housing
1216 - 1218 West 59th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90044
United States
South Los Angeles - SPA 6